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Mentor Application

The Mentoring Program offers you an opportunity to share your experiences and provide feedback on a variety of topics to our Smeal students. Our student protégés are eager to hear alumni perspectives and learn from business professionals. Your ongoing effort and engagement to support this program is key to their success, so thank you for your interest!

To read the full details of the Mentoring program, please visit the program website.

Please “Opt in” or “Opt out” of next year's Mentoring Program. If you chose to “Opt in”, you will gain access to your previously submitted application, and have the ability to make updates to your information and preferences. As a reminder, the program is a one-year commitment made by both you and your protégé, however we do encourage pairs to continue their relationship beyond the academic year. If you click “Opt in”, you will be matched with a new Smeal student for the '23-'24' school year.